Outline plans have been submitted for the demolition of a workshop and show room and the construction of six flats with offices benefit, as well as two cottages.
The plans, submitted by Glenwood Homes, make space for 11 cars and 26 cycle spaces at the plot at 139 Station Road. The draft designs, by Malcolm Watton Architect, show a traditional three storey building with the top floor partially in the roof space. These may not be the final designs used however as the application is for outline planning only, meaning if approval a further application for the final appearance of the buildings will be required.
The proposed cottages are really semi-detached two storey houses fronting Oldfield Road, similar in character to neighbouring properties.
The existing buildings appear to have been last used as a doors and fireplaces retail and production centre by Peco of Hampton. They are located almost directly opposite of Hampton Station.