An application to rebuild the Gurnell Leisure Centre alongside 599 new homes has been lodged with Ealing Council by Be:Here and EcoWorld. The site, which sits overlooks Perivale Meadows, is located between Greenford, Perivale and West Ealing on the Ruislip Road East.

The development will replace the existing leisure centre and car park with a new larger leisure facility alongside six new buildings, the tallest of which is 17 stories, providing 196 intermediate homes split evenly between shared ownership and affordable rent, and 403 private apartments.

3DReid are behind the designs for the scheme, and have opted to give each building a distinctive colour palette to break up the design while the form and massing of the buildings provide coherence to the scheme.

While the buildings are fairly high for compared with the predominant build form of two storey housing in the area, the scheme sits close to a cluster of eleven storey council point-blocks. The parkland setting of the site also allows for little issue with daylight compared with other scheme of similar height and density.

Materially, the scheme is largely composed of brick for the residential element, utilising soldier courses to fenestrate storey divisions. The leisure centre utilises a curtain wall of mixed translucencies, providing a shuttering effect and adding visual interest.