
Reference: D2016/75146
Local Authority: Sutton
Date registered: 2016-08-25
Date picked up: 08/30/2016
Applicant type: Full
Permitted development?
Construction type? Extension Both Up and Out
Storeys: 3
Previous use: Car Park and Pub
Cars: 0
Cycles: 0
Hectares: 0.0490000
Planning portal description:

Erection of a part first floor, part second floor rear extension incorporating roof accommodation and three dormers at front. Alterations to elevations to retain public house with courtyard at ground floor, use of first floor to form two units falling with Class A3 (Food and Drink) and extract duct at side. Creation of two 1 bedroomed, four 2 bedroomed and two 3 bedroomed self contained flats with balconies/roof terraces on upper floors together with refuse and cycle facilities for residential and commercial use.


Link to Google Maps


Mr Anthony Thomas
77 Malham road Forest Hill, SE23 1AH


Ms Maria Gallego Lopez
77 Malham road Forest Hill London, SE23 1AH



Residential Units:

New Units: Replacing existing:
Private Units: 8 0
Intermediate Units: 0 0
Social Units: 0 0

Unit Mix:

Studios1 bed2 bed3 bed4+ bed
Private Flats02420
Private Houses0000
Social Flats00000
Social Houses0000
Intermediate Flats00000
Intermediate Houses0000

Other use types:

Student rooms: 0
Hotel: 0 rooms, or 0 sqm.
Retail: 0 sqm
Office: 0 sqm
Light industrial: 0 sqm.
Assembly & Leisure: 0 sqm.
Non-resi institution: 0 sqm.


