[each related_apps.renders]

Key Facts:
Status: {@status.post_title}
Local Authority: {@local_authority.post_title}
Reference: {@reference}
Full/Outline/EIA etc: {@full_or_outline.post_title}
Permitted development? {@permitted_development.post_title}
Construction type: {@construction_type.post_title}
Storeys: {@storeys}
Previous use: {@previous_use.post_title}
Cars: {@cars}
Cycles: {@cycles}
Hectares: {@hectares}
Applications for this site:
[if related_apps]
[each related_apps][before][/before]
Date registered: {@date_validated}
Date we picked up: {@date_added }
Date decided: {@date_decided}
Date withdrawn: {@date_withdrawn}
Date committee: {@committee_date}
Planning portal description
Link to Google Maps
{@building_name} {@building_numbers} {@road_name} {@other_road_names} {@town} {@postcode}
Residential Units:
| New Units: | Replacing existing: |
Private Units: | {@private_units} | {@existing_private_units} |
Intermediate Units: | {@intermediate_units} | {@existing_intermediate_units} |
Social Units: | {@social_units} | {@existing_social_units} |
Unit Mix:
| Studios | 1 bed | 2 bed | 3 bed | 4+ bed |
Private Flats | {@private_studios} | {@private_1_bed_flats} | {@private_2_bed_flats} | {@private_3_bed_flats} | {@private_4_bed_flats} |
Private Houses | | {@private_1_bed_houses} | {@private_2_bed_houses} | {@private_3_bed_houses} | {@private_4_bed_houses} |
Social Flats | {@social_studios} | {@social_1_bed_flats} | {@social_2_bed_flats} | {@social_3_bed_flats} | {@social_4_bed_flats} |
Social Houses | | {@social_1_bed_houses} | {@social_2_bed_houses} | {@social_3_bed_houses} | {@social_4_bed_houses} |
Intermediate Flats | {@intermediate_studios} | {@intermediate_1_bed_flats} | {@intermediate_2_bed_flats} | {@intermediate_3_bed_flats} | {@intermediate_4_bed_flats} |
Intermediate Houses | | {@intermediate_1_bed_houses} | {@intermediate_2_bed_houses} | {@intermediate_3_bed_houses} | {@intermediate_4_bed_houses} |
Other use types:
Student rooms: {@student_rooms}
Hotel: {@hotel_rooms} rooms, or {@hotel_sqm} sqm.
Retail: {@retail_sqm} sqm
Office: {@office_sqm} sqm
Pub: {@pub_or_drinking} sqm
Cafe/Restaurant: {@restaurant_or_cafe_a3} sqm
Light industrial: {@light_industrial_sqm} sqm.
Assembly & Leisure: {@assembly_leisure_sqm} sqm.
Non-resi institution: {@resi_institutional_sqm} sqm.
Has S106 (that we've discovered)? {@s106_details}
S106 Documents:
S106 Education: {@s106_education}
S106 Health: {@s106_health}
S106 Highways: {@s106_highways}
S106 Transport: {@s106_transport}
S106 Cycling: {@s106_cycling}
S106 Affordable Housing: {@s106_affordable_housing}
S106 Affordable Workspace: {@s106_affordable_workspaceofficeco-working}
S106 Parks: {@s106-parks}
S106 Play space: {@s106_play_space}
S106 Carbon Offsetting: {@s106_carbon_offsetting}
S106 Employment (General): {@s106_employment_not_construction}
S106 Employmenet (Construction): {@s106_employment_during_construction}
S106 Admin: {@s106_admin}
S106 Other: {@s106_other}
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